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This Sunday (March 9) is the first Sunday of Lent, a period of 40 days which began on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and culminates on Easter Sunday (April 20th). It is a journey which leads us through challenge, tension, struggle, despair, grief, remorse and then springs up in joy. Through these days, we are urged to remember and reflect on the growing opposition to Jesus, his suffering and death on the cross. 

There are many excellent resources to help us make this journey through Lent. Below you will find links to short daily readings and prayers, some which also include music, art and poetry, delivered by email to your inbox from Biola University or Gospel in Life (Redeemer Presbyterian Church and Kathy Keller). 



Gospel in Life:

(you can view either of these on the website or click a link to sign up to receive daily email)


Another practice that is very helpful is to carry a small but tangible reminder through these 40 days. During this Lenten season, we would encourage you to pick up a small stone and carry it in a pocket during Lent. 

The stone is a tangible reminder of the weight of our sin.  Each time you put your hand in your pocket, you will be reminded again of the sacrifice Jesus made for you.  There will be small stones available for you to pick up at both doors on Sunday morning and then return on Good Friday.