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Official Opening of Our “New” Wheelchair Ramp October 1, 2023
Immediately after our morning service Brett Robinson, member of Zion Church and a former Easter Seals Ambassador of Prince Edward Island cut the “ribbon” officially opening our new Wheelchair Ramp.
The new ramp replaces the old ramp that served us well since the mid 1980s. The new ramp meets the latest requirements of the City of Charlottetown and of the National Building Code.
The new ramp gives the users a gentler slope on their climb into the Church.
The building of the new ramp was overseen by the Building Committee of the Trustee Board . The members of the Building Committee are: Jim Stavert (Chair), John Farquharson, Allan Jay, Douglas MacDonald, Gary MacDougall, Carmen Ross, Ken Spearing, Raymond Stewart, David Thomson, and Pam Trainor (Chair of Trustee Board).
Joining Brett in the “ribbon” cutting are his family, Trustee Board Chair - Pam Trainor and Building Committee Chair - Jim Stavert.